How Much Line To Put On a Spinning Reel?

Imagine you’re about to start fishing—the sun is up, and you’re ready for the thrill. But here’s the thing: how much line to put on a Spinning Reel is crucial for a successful fishing trip.

It might sound simple, but it makes a big difference. Fishing has its tricks, and getting the perfect amount of line on your reel is one of them.

We’re here to guide you through it, so you’re all set for a smooth and successful fishing adventure. Let’s get started on figuring out how much line you need for your spinning reel.

How Much Line To Put On a Spinning Reel?

Improving your casting distance and minimizing wind knots hinges on understanding the ideal amount of line for your spinning reel. Excessive line often leads to increased wind knots, while insufficient line may impede casting efficiency. Achieving the right balance ensures smoother and more effective casts, enhancing your overall fishing experience. So, let’s delve into the crucial details of determining the perfect line amount for your spinning reel.

What do you think is the optimal amount?

Make sure there’s a little space between the edges of the spool and the outer layers of the line. Think of it like creating a small gap.

Having no gap means more knots of wind

A large gap means reduced casting distance

A gap of about 1/8 inch is commonly suggested, and it usually works well. However, it’s worth noting that even this 1/8-inch gap can affect casting distance in tests!

How Much Line To Put On a Spinning Reel

To balance between increased casting distance and minimizing wind knots, I suggest adjusting based on your specific preferences:

Prioritize Distance: For experienced anglers, aim for a gap just shy of 1/16 inch to minimize the risk of wind knots.

Prioritize Distance

No Need to Prioritize Distance: Opting for a 1/8-inch gap allows for solid casting performance while reducing the likelihood of wind knots.

Would you like to learn a handy spooling trick and understand the right amount of backing to use?

A 1/4 inch gap works well for backing most 2500 and 3000-size reels with the same diameters of 1-3/4 inches.

Maintaining a 1/4 inch gap ensures that you can utilize the full 150 yards of your new line. While the specific backing gap for larger-sized reels may differ from the reel diameter, the ratio remains consistent!

Why Wind Knots Can Be Caused By Too Much Line?

Using an excessive amount of line can lead to numerous problems, potentially interrupting your fishing experience. It may even necessitate stopping midway through to address issues, disrupting the flow of your fishing expedition. It’s best to avoid such inconveniences by carefully determining and spooling the appropriate amount of line for your reel.

Getting tangled in the wind is the worst issue, even if it’s just annoying. Dealing with wind knots can be a big problem.

How do wind knots work? They’re basically just tangles or knots caused by the wind. Knots on braided lines happen more often and are much more annoying than those on monofilament lines.

Manufacturers of braided fishing lines claim they won’t get wind knots, but that’s not accurate. While features designed to prevent wind knots can be helpful, they don’t offer the ultimate solution.

Just remember, most issues happen because of user mistakes. One major blunder is putting too much line on the spinning reel—avoid that to steer clear of problems.

Soon, you’re more likely to face wind knots if you continue with actions like these.

What Is The Best Fishing Line For Your Spinning Reel?

Many anglers favor using braided line on a spinning reel. This type of line is praised for its small diameter, enabling long-distance casting. Additionally, braided lines have no memory, offering advantages in terms of durability, resistance to abrasion, and resilience against various weather conditions.

Best Fishing Line

In summary, a fishing line plays a crucial role in fishing, and properly spooling your spinning reel with it is essential. Knowing the right amount to use, avoiding both overfilling and underfilling the reel, will enhance your casting ability, allowing for better and longer casts.

Improving your fishing skills will make you a more versatile angler. There’s a wealth of knowledge to gain about fishing worldwide, contributing to your overall expertise in this enjoyable pursuit.

The internet has a lot of information, but don’t forget to ask fellow fishermen for advice.

Fishermen have unique stories and approaches to fishing, each a rich source of knowledge. Don’t hesitate to ask these sea experts questions, learn from their experiences, and share insights. Remember, knowledge is power, my friends.

How Much Fishing Line To Put On a Spinning Reel For Trolling?

Lots of things determine how deep your fishing lure goes when trolling. All these factors affect where your bait shows up in the water, like how fast you’re trolling, the weight of your setup, and how thick your fishing line is.

Letting out a bit more fishing line won’t necessarily make your lure go a foot deeper. To make things easier, I use a trolling calculator to estimate where my lures will be in the water. It helps simplify the math needed to figure out trolling depth.

When freshwater anglers go trolling, they typically have about 150 yards of fishing line on their reels. For offshore anglers, this number increases significantly. Offshore reels, designed for landing big gamefish, can handle up to 800 yards of thick line.

Not having enough fishing line on your reel could cost you a trophy fish, and you might end up losing both the fish and around $50 worth of fishing line.

How Much Fishing Line To Put On a Spinning Reel For Inshore Fishing?

For most inshore fishing trips, having about 100 yards of line on your reel is usually sufficient, and you typically don’t require much more than that. Inshore fishing commonly takes place in water depths of 100 feet or less, with some occasional exceptions.

This way, you’ve got ample room for casting or fishing the bottom without worrying about rigging or tangles, as 100 yards of line is more than sufficient.

You can accurately determine the water depth for your fishing area by utilizing various resources. Apps like iBoating are helpful for finding water depth, and NOAA provides coastal depth maps that can be valuable for this purpose.

How Much Fishing Line To Put On a Spinning Reel For Offshore Fishing

Go farther from the shore when you fish, and you’ll be in offshore waters. Big bluefin and sailfish can snatch away hundreds of yards of line from your reel before you even get a chance to start the fight.

The reels for offshore fishing are way bigger than the ones used for inshore or freshwater fishing, and they need special gear. If you’re trolling for huge gamefish, it’s quite possible that you’ll use up all the line in an offshore reel, especially if it holds 1,000 yards of line.

Usually, spinning tackle can carry 400–500 yards of line, and that’s sufficient for offshore fishing. Even though spinning gear uses less line than trolling, it’s still crucial to have plenty of line to stop a gamefish that’s trying to make a run.

When deep-drop fishing offshore, the NOAA and iBoating websites can help you estimate the amount of line needed to reach the bottom. Moreover, you can use the boat’s electronics to check the water depth in real time.


Putting too much line on your reel can cause issues later on. Overloading increases the chances of dealing with annoying wind knots, making it a frustrating problem to contend with.

Untangling the knot can take a few minutes or even longer, leading to a loss of valuable fishing time. That’s why it’s crucial never to overfill your reel. Stop filling before reaching the lip to avoid complications.

To steer clear of issues, it’s advisable to adhere to these methods.

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